Being Taught

Being Taught

Sometimes God gently teaches me to paint and create. As He does I usually have no idea what the finished project will be or what it means. However, as I finished this particularly drawing (which is definitely not the kind of art I normally produce) God began to speak to my heart.

He explained often He allows the enemy to oppose us, sift us like wheat and oppress us! Yet Gods grace, the presence of His Spirit and the power of Jesus” sacrifice ensure we are not overcome by the darkness. Rather we stand in the light! Despite all the tactics of the enemy, God promises to protect us and make sure nothing separates us from His love.

Perhaps you are feeling the shadows of darkness, perhaps you are walking though a valley. Do not be afraid. Do not be dismayed. For nothing can separate you from the love of Christ and in Him you are more than a conqueror!

Read Roman’s 8:31-39 and Isaiah 43:1-2 and be encouraged.



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